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03.06.2024, 22:14

PlushieCon - der Sammelthread. Nächste: (aktuell keine geplant)
Pain Storm Offline
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 94
Registriert seit: 21. Apr 2015

RE: PlushieCon - der Sammelthread. Aktuell: auf der GalaCon 2022!
Jub, vielen dank dafür Pinkie happy
Ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Twilight smile

Ich schreibe die Fanfiktion Rise of Equestria und mache auch Musik. Schaut gerne mal vorbei und sagt mir eure Meinung darüber.
Hier geht es zu meinem Linktree. Twilight happy
Railway Dash Offline
~Chief Plush~ Lokführerpony

Beiträge: 5.790
Registriert seit: 20. Nov 2012

RE: PlushieCon - der Sammelthread. Nächste: auf der PCRP 2023.
PCRP-Stammgäste wissen es sicher längst: auch auf der diesjährigen PCRP am 18. und 19.08. wird es wieder die PlushieCon in der "PCRP-Ausführung" (d.h. zwar volle Registrierung und Statistik, aber Nachtquartier der Plushies auf den "Tischen des Vertrauens" geben Twilight happy Die Anmeldung wird voraussichtlich zwei Wochen vorher starten und dann auch hier angekündigt - wie es Tradition ist RD salute

Es sind noch rund 20 Plätze frei, also: holt euch ein Ticket und seid dabei AJ Prost Pinkie happy

[Bild: sig-tatras-01-04-2018-3.png]
Railway Dash Offline
~Chief Plush~ Lokführerpony

Beiträge: 5.790
Registriert seit: 20. Nov 2012

RE: PlushieCon - der Sammelthread. Nächste: auf der PCRP 2023.
Post in English because it's meant for all audiences, international as well as German speakers. This is just my personal opinion, and some matter-of-fact information on behalf of the project.

So, now it's official: there won't be a PlushieCon at GalaCon 2023. Why? It's because of the space of the venue, nothing else - or should I say: the lack of space.

Please don't get me wrong, anypony. I do not blame the GalaCon orga crew; quite the opposite: I admire them for the awesome job they're doing to make GalaCon possible, even under the difficult circumstances that GalaCon had to leave Ludwigsburg; I really don't envy them on this exhausting work! If y'all want to blame someone for having no PlushieCon at GalaCon 2023: please, blame the bureaucrats of the local authorities in Ludwigsburg who refused to negotiate a better deal for Pony Events Federation than their initial "offer", which would've made GalaCon insanely expensive - and I'm sure no one would want to pay a whopping 200 € for a basic ticket and even more for the higher tier tickets, but that would've been the price (approximately) if GalaCon had stayed in Ludwigsburg and agreed on the price called by the local authorities to rent the Forum am Schlosspark yet again.

So, now GalaCon will be at the new venue in Waiblingen. At the Discord channel, I read that someone wondered how small this new venue might be to not enable us. Legit question, I think, so here's what we need when it comes to space, and what the Bürgerzentrum Waiblingen simply can't offer:

It starts with the registration and the plushie hand-in. Where to put that? The orga team checked and thought about this, but there's just no space. You know, space is so limited that initially a lot of vendors had to be refused, now they'll share tables to bring you the variety and range of merch that everyone is expecting at GalaCon. If there's not even enough space for the vendors, where should we put registration and hand-in...? Twilight: not bad

Space behind the scenes. Until know, on Saturday, after you handed in your plushie(s) at our hand-in desk, the plushies were brought to the main stage of the Forum where our set-up artist Meganium would start to plan and prepare how to build the "stage picture", the scene, right behind the "Iron Curtain". Basically, we used the real main stage of the Forum for years as sort of a big storage and preparation room; you as the visitors, from the audience, only got to see the "pre-stage" because the real stage of the Forum is too big for GalaCon to usefully fill it with content (besides, if used, it would've gotten even more expensive, and we would have had to have the fire fighters in the house - legal requirements). Very well, but nothing like that exists in Waiblingen - so, where to put your plushies until the real PlushieCon, where to prepare the scene...? Yet again: lack of space Twilight: not bad

Event rooms. You know it from the Forum: the Main Theater Room was unused for the GalaCon Saturday evening events, the Gala itself was outside the MTR in the foyer, and the party was raving in the Bürgersaal, so the MTR wasn't needed, and we could have it for PlushieCon. Now, in Waiblingen, there are considerably less rooms, but the traditional evening events (Gala and disco party) should still be offered. So, where to set up PlushieCon...? Maybe in some sort of small room? No, you surely wouldn't want that. Imagine, say, just 500 plushies crammed in some room that would basically just be some kind of office. That's not a nice picture, you can't take nice photos there, and there wouldn't be any kind of presentation because it's no stage. Would that still qualify as the GalaCon edition of PlushieCon you're used to and are expecting...? No, right? Twilight: not bad

Worst of all: sorting all the plushies on Sunday morning. If you had your plushie(s) with us during the last times at GalaCon and picked it up on Sunday, you know our huge "storage room", the Bürgersaal, where all the plushies were brought on Sunday morning. Before we opened our doors for you, we all spent hours to sort hundreds of plushies by their numbers, we need to do that to give you back your very own plushie(s). And, you guess it: there's no such room in Waiblingen... well, maybe there actually IS such a room, BUT it's needed for the Sunday panels of GalaCon! Just imagine the Forum Ludwigsburg without the MTR: everything that's intended for a larger audience would've taken place at the Bürgersaal, yes, the very same Bürgersaal that we got as Sunday storage / sorting / hand-out room. So, where would we be...? Or should GalaCon cancel all Sunday panels...? No, right...? Twilight: not bad You see: it always has been "GalaCon with PlushieCon", not "PlushieCon with GalaCon". We were the "event at the event", but not a standalone event on ourselves.

And there we go. Now you know why the new location is too small to have a GalaCon with a PlushieCon, at least a PlushieCon with the standards y'all know and come to expect of us. - I'll be there, most likely as a volunteer (application is sent in to our Volunteer-Bunny-Overlord 404), and will make myself a detailed impression of this new venue. We all will learn a lot of how the building is shaped, the rooms are aligned and shaped, how everything is looking, how the house staff's mindset is, at the GalaCon weekend, but for this year, it will be like a first-time event - and in fact, it is a first-time event: for all of us in this venue.

To close this WoT, I once again want to thank the GalaCon orga team for all the hard work they put in the project for all those years, and for having us and giving us the preconditions to make PlushieCon happen at the scale it has been over all these years. None of us knows what the future holds, but even if there should never be a PlushieCon again with the size of 2019 (800 plushies plus one robot), please don't forget that there is no natural law saying we MUST be at GalaCon no matter what - but instead let's remember the good times we had at the Forum Ludwigsburg in the past.

[Bild: sig-tatras-01-04-2018-3.png]
Railway Dash Offline
~Chief Plush~ Lokführerpony

Beiträge: 5.790
Registriert seit: 20. Nov 2012

RE: PlushieCon - der Sammelthread. Nächste: auf der PCRP 2023.
Und hier die Statistik der PlushieCon auf der PCRP am 19.08.23 in Arnsberg: wir hatten 82 Plushies von 24 Besitzern! Die Plushies im Detail:

Mane 6 inkl. Varianten und "Zubehör"
Twilight smile Twilight Sparkle Unicorn
Twilight smile Twilight Sparkle Alicorn * 2
Twilight: not bad Twiggles
RD deals with it Rainbow Dash * 6
Pinkie happy Pinkie Pie * 5
Party Canon von Pinkie Pinkie approved
Pinkamena Diane Pie Pinkie approved
Rarity shocked Rarity
FS grins Fluttershy

Neben- und Backgroundcharaktere
Derpy confused Derpy * 4
Lyra astonished Lyra * 2
Vinyl Cutie Mark Vinyl Scratch * 2
Disgust Colgate / Minuette
Daring Do
Queen Chrysalis
Maud Pie
Sunset Shimmer * 2
Great and Powerful Trixie
Starlight Glimmer * 4
Tempest Shadow
Cozy Glow
Autumn Blaze * 2
Saffron Masala

Cutie Mark Crusaders & Friends
Sweetie Belle * 2
Button Mash

Celestia Cutie Mark Princess Celestia
Luna TRCV Princess Luna * 2
Flurry Heart
Princess Amber

Maskottchen und Figuren aus dem Fandom
Miss Libuše (Czequestria)
Unity (Brony Fair)
Nettle Vienna * 2 (Café Jsjaj)
Bonny D. Eierschegge (Dresden Anypony)
Pepper Boat (Pepper Boat Maid Café)
Sea Sailor (Sea Bronies)
Poniko (Japan PonyCon)
Colonia (Kölner Stammtisch)
Buttons Mom * 3

Fallout: Equestria
LittlePip * 2
Velvet Remedy

Persönliche OCs
Plum Blossom
Fire Bloom
Shimmer /Nanachi (okay, non-pony, trotzdem persönlicher OC)

Generation 5
Izzy Moonbow * 4

Sonstige Plushies, non-pony
Bernd das Brot

Gesamt: 82

[Bild: sig-tatras-01-04-2018-3.png]
Railway Dash Offline
~Chief Plush~ Lokführerpony

Beiträge: 5.790
Registriert seit: 20. Nov 2012

RE: PlushieCon - der Sammelthread. Nächste: (aktuell keine geplant)
Seit voriger Woche ist der Himmel auch für die PlushieCon wunderschön blau RD deals with it Will heißen, uns findet man jetzt auch auf Bluesky:


oder als direkt im Browser anklickbarer Link: https://bsky.app/profile/plushiecon.bsky.social.

Der Twitter-Account wird vorerst noch weiter betrieben (Facebook ist ohnehin nur an Twitter "angeflanscht", weder Lux noch ich nutzen selber Facebook), zumindest so lange, bis das Milliardärs-Spielkleinkind sein Spielzeug endgültig gegen die Wand haut oder denkt, Nutzungsgebühren abgreifen zu müssen Twilight: not bad

Auf Telegram gibt es einen Info-Kanal, zu finden unter https://t.me/PlushieCon.

[Bild: sig-tatras-01-04-2018-3.png]

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