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10.06.2024, 18:50

Poste dein STRG-V
Endbosspferd Abwesend
Great and Powerful

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Midori (†) Abwesend

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V
[23:46:26] Johannes Rudolph: Diese Nachricht wurde entfernt

[Bild: aeuanwk6fy7z.jpg]
Endbosspferd Abwesend
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 417
Registriert seit: 07. Nov 2012

RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Fernando from The Daily Dot wrote what is probably the most in-depth/well-researched article on 4chan's history to date: *link*
Also I started a blog: chrishateswriting.com
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Lesbian General Anonymous 10/04/13(Fri)23:53 No.1457207 [Reply]!
The last thread is utterly hopeless, can we please just re-start?

tinychat /uon68
contacts https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?...hcEE#gid=0

>lesbian fashion edition
Let's talk about what we wear, what we wish we could wear (if we could afford it) and recommend things we SHOULD wear instead to each other. Faceless clothing pics or clothes website links are welcome. Time to get /fa/shionable, ladies!
116 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
Anonymous 10/05/13(Sat)16:57 No.1459684!
Yeah, they're also monogamous (the thing that made me super like them, I love it when animals have the same relationship ideals as me)
Anonymous 10/05/13(Sat)17:09 No.1459712!Replies: >>1459766
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That's too bad, although maybe they would be difficult to raise properly, guaranteeing a nice life?

the friendzone does not exist

I don't really know whether I love her or I just want to exploit her to get away from this country. To be honest I think that if something really happens then it will have to be something slowly growing, gradually built together, and I want her to actually trust me and show her that she can trust me.
I am nobody and I am acting clinging and like a child in this moment probably, even though I'm earnest and I want the best for her.

The only thing I could do is being earnest and try to help her and be the best person she can rely on.
But she has to give me the chance to do it.
Anonymous 10/05/13(Sat)17:25 No.1459766!Replies: >>1459780
Well, you seem to know what you doing, I like the way you actually want to prove to her that you are a trusted person because you actually just want to help her and don't expect very much than this from her. that's cute.
Anonymous 10/05/13(Sat)17:30 No.1459780!Replies: >>1459813
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Thank you for your kind words anon. I can only hope my words will reach her somehow.
There are probably better people better suited at helping her, but I want to try nonetheless.
Anonymous 10/05/13(Sat)17:38 No.1459813!
>There are probably better people better suited at helping her
At least you act, not matter what you can do for someone at least you do something and not just sit down and do nothing to help.
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Not sure if I am trans* / should Transition General #16 Annicole !!d5Msn/41Mfq 10/05/13(Sat)05:08 No.1457835 [Reply]!
Tell us what you are, and tell us what you feel like inside, and then why you are not sure if you're trans* or going through with a transition. Share those feels as well. I want to hear your stories, and maybe encouraging words.

Already told your story or frequent here? Tell us what's going on in your life and if you made any progress. We'll be happy to know and help.

Articles, Studies and General information about Questioning, Transitioning and other stuff: http://genderal.org/index.php/Should_I_Transition%3F

Previous Thread: >>1439188
82 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
Anonymous 10/05/13(Sat)17:23 No.1459762!
Just wanted to also say that there is some hope out there. I just passed my third year full time and there isn't a single doubt in my mind that I could ever go back. I lost all my friends, my entire extended family thinks I'm a freak (parents show true unconditional love, thank god) and I started at 18, nearly 300lbs.

I moved on, lost (some of) the weight and I've had a decent life so far. I've had boyfriends, been heart broken. Been awkwardly stared at, and checked out.

Its been far from perfect, but I'd never, EVER go back.

I was one of those people who knew early, and questioned for years and years. Do I regret not doing it sooner? Sure. But no point dwelling on that shit. I did that enough growing up.

My grades are better than they've ever been (A- grade average, wooo!) and my motivation to get better at.. everything, is super strong.

Have hope!
Anonymous 10/05/13(Sat)17:30 No.1459783!Replies: >>1459800
>... because there was information and you could easily have figured out that there was HRT.
Are you freaking retarded? How are you supposed to even know that there is such a thing like possibility of transition. Youre boy and it was end of story for me. Oh - you want long hair - well sucks to be you little guy but were your parents and only girls have long hair. They even sold me some kind of story that girl's hair grow faster - to this day I have no idea if its some kind of bullshit or truth. I had no clue what was going on when I wore some hair accesory in school and people were laugjing at me. When I got internets in highschool I found this guy called Bellz on deviantart and I just could not figure out why hes looking like girl on some photos and like a boy on others. I even discussed this with my friend and we just couldnt figure this out. So please dont tell me its so obvious for you or maybe it is for all americans? I live in east europe and trust me - its not that simple or Im just dumb as hell.
Anonymous 10/05/13(Sat)17:34 No.1459797!Replies: >>1459812
N yeah I am a differeent anon from trap fetish person. I'm the one who's been ranting and raving. As soon as I discovered traps online I didn't have a fetish for it. I've never jerked off to traps. When I first found traps on the internet who passed really well I just thought they were awesome people and felt a bit inspired. N that's when the crossdressing n make up started but only in private. I hung out with a really tight crew of people who were very open minded n we fucked around with gender n sexuallity I guess you could say. But when I found trans communities n people on the internet things started stirring in my head....thoughts like "holy shit I think that's me, I might be one of these people". I might just be a freak with a fetish though. I almost prefer that. Maybe convincing myself I'm trans alleaviates the shame of being a sexual degenerate. Idk but I'm trying to hold shit together. And as always in trans geeneral the advice would be "see a therapist" but I just like to vent in a way about my issues on here.
Anonymous 10/05/13(Sat)17:35 No.1459800!
I knew I wanted to be a girl, even though I was told I was a boy etc... it doesn't matter where you live, if you have internet you'll find out. Especially if you look at trans porn, you'll probably look up wtf a shemale really is on wikipedia or something.
By 2005 it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out, wasn't it even then when the trans porn peaked or something?
Anonymous 10/05/13(Sat)17:38 No.1459812!
Whining about it won't help, what happened happened, and you'll just have to deal with it... You should be happy for those who are born now, or 10 years ago, not tell hem how spoiled they are for being born in a better time.
Pretty much everyone did huge mistakes, and doesn't really have any good excuse for it. That's just how things are, dwelling in it won't do any good.
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MtFG Book Club Cosima !uag3td/udM!!FiHOdTYGPQe 10/03/13(Thu)14:21 No.1449981 [Reply]!Replies: >>1459805
MtFg is starting a book club! Every two weeks we will read a book and discuss it both in a thread and in the tiny-chat room (that being scheduled for every other Friday, starting on October the 11th) at 6pm Eastern Standard Time US, ending whenever we feel like it or whenever the other ladies chase us off.

We will be starting with “Let The Right One In” by John Ajvide Lindqvist. This stunning psychological-thriller-romance-coming-of-age tale revolves around the budding romance of a young Swedish boy and a eternally youthful vampire named Eli. Questions of gender and sexuality bubble underneath a tense story of monstrous acts surrounding naïve love.

You can buy this book pretty much anywhere. You can also steal this book pretty much everywhere. We won’t judge you if you do, but we are not going to be accessories to your crime. If you, however, watch the film instead of reading the book WE WILL KNOW AND YOU WILL DIE.
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Crystal Princess !!icIm/7OlYEI 10/03/13(Thu)21:05 No.1451583!

Pretty severe ADHD
Midori (†) Abwesend

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V

[Bild: aeuanwk6fy7z.jpg]
Endbosspferd Abwesend
Great and Powerful

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Silly Filly

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V

mein Fragethread RD deals with it

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Fanclubs (Öffnen)
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RE: Poste dein STRG-V

(Link bearbeitet. :I)

Übrigens: Es heißt Brony und nicht Bronie! Twilight happy
Rapti Abwesend

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V
[Bild: saure_sahne_2342.png]

Heftig, wie stark du die Links immer editierst. Jetzt kann ich ja gar nicht mehr zum Bild kommen. [Bild: SB-super-sad.png]
Midori (†) Abwesend

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V

[Bild: aeuanwk6fy7z.jpg]
Roraty Offline

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V

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Endbosspferd Abwesend
Great and Powerful

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Dead Puffy Offline

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V

Gesendet von meinem Nintendo 3DS
Endbosspferd Abwesend
Great and Powerful

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Rapti Abwesend

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V
(06.10.2013)CloudsdaleCompanion schrieb:  Rapti Rapti Rapti
Cloudi Cloudi Cloudi
(06.10.2013)CloudsdaleCompanion schrieb:  Kannst du was Philosoraptiges sagen?
Ich denke schon. AJ hmm
(06.10.2013)CloudsdaleCompanion schrieb:  Wie viele der Spezies Raptilicus gibt es noch auf dieser Welt?
Ich glaube, ich bin der Letzte. D:
(06.10.2013)CloudsdaleCompanion schrieb:  Wie funktioniert das Paarungsritual dieser Spezies?
Raptis werden wehrlos gemacht und lassen den Partner über alles entscheidenden. :3
(06.10.2013)CloudsdaleCompanion schrieb:  Hattest du schon die Windpocken?AJ hmm
Ja. Ist schon ewig her.

(06.10.2013)OculusMagnus schrieb:  Wieviele Leute raptirapest du täglich?
Keine. D:
Dead Puffy Offline

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V
(06.10.2013)Shadow shine schrieb:  Stell dir vor du wärst in einem Videospiel. In welchem wärst du gern?

Gesendet von meinem Nintendo 3DS
Rapti Abwesend

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V
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DwBrot Offline

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Cloud Striker Offline

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V

Rapti Abwesend

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Dead Puffy Offline

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RE: Poste dein STRG-V

Gesendet von meinem Nintendo 3DS

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