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03.06.2024, 14:42

the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
Chillarmy Offline

Beiträge: 1.249
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RE: Laberthread(English)
(02.02.2012)Erocy schrieb:  
(02.02.2012)Chillarmy schrieb:  
(02.02.2012)Erocy schrieb:  good evening pokemon(chillarmy)
*throw a pokeball*

Throwing balls at people is´nt that kind of polite D:<
Also i belong to a Pokémon Trainer RD wink

oh sry
*throw masterball*

Much Better Pinkie happy
Hooflinger Offline

Beiträge: 1.370
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RE: Laberthread(English)
Hey guys whats up :3 Why haven´t this thread already reached page 100?

~~~~~Mc. Hoof's größter Fan, seit Anbeginn der Zeit<3 ~~~~~~
Chillarmy Offline

Beiträge: 1.249
Registriert seit: 20. Jan 2012

RE: Laberthread(English)
(02.02.2012)Dovahkiin schrieb:  Hey guys whats up :3 Why haven´t this thread already reached page 100?

I Have No Idea
i never knew that here is an english talking-thread too
Erocy Offline

Beiträge: 601
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RE: Laberthread(English)
(02.02.2012)Chillarmy schrieb:  
(02.02.2012)Dovahkiin schrieb:  Hey guys whats up :3 Why haven´t this thread already reached page 100?

I Have No Idea
i never knew that here is an english talking-thread too

this thread exists only since yesterday. so it is very new.
Hooflinger Offline

Beiträge: 1.370
Registriert seit: 27. Nov 2011

RE: Laberthread(English)
(02.02.2012)Chillarmy schrieb:  
(02.02.2012)Dovahkiin schrieb:  Hey guys whats up :3 Why haven´t this thread already reached page 100?

I Have No Idea
i never knew that here is an english talking-thread too

Yea .. I noticed it today..but here´s nothing important to read...

~~~~~Mc. Hoof's größter Fan, seit Anbeginn der Zeit<3 ~~~~~~
Custody Abwesend

Beiträge: 2.299
Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2012

RE: Laberthread(English)
(02.02.2012)Ceres schrieb:  By the way, I think Final Fantasy lost its charme when the women characters lost their clothing...and the characters started looking like real humans and not like video game characters anymore. But hey, I'm rather a fan of the 16 bit era ( plus, I'm female...Derpy confused )

Oh, well, the clothes were always kinda strange in FF, don't they? But i won't say they're becomin more and more naked. And Shiva never had any Twilight happy The chars are lookin more detailed, but you can recognize many asian style effects and looks real people do not have.
We'll see, saturday i can give a brief summary of mah impression Wink

[Bild: ersatzsig.jpg]
Spoiler (Öffnen)
Hooflinger Offline

Beiträge: 1.370
Registriert seit: 27. Nov 2011

RE: Laberthread(English)
(02.02.2012)Erocy schrieb:  this thread exists only since yesterday. so it is very new.

since 2 days ago.. hmm .. I think I love this thread cause I can speak english very well (In my opinion Cheerilee awesome )

~~~~~Mc. Hoof's größter Fan, seit Anbeginn der Zeit<3 ~~~~~~
Texas Cube Abwesend

Beiträge: 231
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RE: Laberthread(English)
My english is the best english. /Robbaz
Hooflinger Offline

Beiträge: 1.370
Registriert seit: 27. Nov 2011

RE: Laberthread(English)
(03.02.2012)Texas Cube schrieb:  My english is the best english. /Robbaz

Just my two cents :3

~~~~~Mc. Hoof's größter Fan, seit Anbeginn der Zeit<3 ~~~~~~
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 03.02.2012 von Hooflinger.)
Tinnu Galad Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 41
Registriert seit: 06. Jan 2012

RE: Laberthread(English)
Howdy y'all!
Ah'm thinkin' Applejacks English is lahke 20% cooler than yernses AJ Cutie Mark

[Bild: 40rhO.gif]
Secret Offline

Beiträge: 2.711
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RE: Laberthread(English)
Oh my gosh, the first english Thread in Bronies.de.....what to do, what to do?

(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: vor 69 Minuten von zunt.)
Custody Abwesend

Beiträge: 2.299
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RE: Laberthread(English)
I know it, i know it!

Spoiler (Öffnen)

[Bild: ersatzsig.jpg]
Spoiler (Öffnen)
goschi Offline

Beiträge: 355
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RE: Laberthread(English)
(02.02.2012)xtorbenx schrieb:  wow this is sooo cool!! i love english ! thanks for opening this threat ! its so nice to finaly be able to speak english here, my mom is american, so i speak it fluendly, the only problem is my spelling.

I think, your german is pretty good. If i haven´t heard your Family while talking on Skype i woudnt believe.
Hooflinger Offline

Beiträge: 1.370
Registriert seit: 27. Nov 2011

RE: Laberthread(English)
(03.02.2012)SecretValor schrieb:  Oh my gosh, the first english Thread in Bronies.de.....what to do, what to do?

I think we have to do a PARTEY PINKIE PIE STYLE.

~~~~~Mc. Hoof's größter Fan, seit Anbeginn der Zeit<3 ~~~~~~
Pilztoast Abwesend

Beiträge: 422
Registriert seit: 23. Okt 2011

RE: Laberthread(English)
Pinkie Pie Parteys are the best Parteys cuz Pinkie Pie Parteys never stop!

[Bild: gu8djoux.jpg]
DE_Dashy Abwesend
Royal Guard

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RE: Laberthread(English)
"I like to think that oysters transcend national barriers." -Roger Waters

Ecthudan Offline
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 297
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RE: Laberthread (English)
I don't really see the point in this thread but it's certainly a great way of improving your English for those who still have some trouble with this language. I think it's a pity that this thread doesn't have nearly as many pages as it should, but maybe people in here aren't that used to writing forum posts in English.

Anyway, since this thread doesn't seem to have an actual topic except for talking English, I might start with how I actually learned this wonderful language.

I'm not at all a native speaker and I had to learn this language the hard way: By studying, studying and more studying! My interest in English was only sparked in secondary school, when we actually started to have English as a subject at school. Soon I realized how much I actually liked this language and I started to put more and more work into learning it.

Eventually I thought that I should join an additional English course at school, one which prepared for the Cambridge KET exam. So I joined it but after a while I saw that my English had improved so much that I was willing to give the PET exam, an exam with a higher level, a try.

I passed this exam with ease and the next year I even decided to try the First Certificate of English test, which I also passed with the grade A.

As I liked English so much, I decided to enroll in an immersion "Gymnasium", one which taught almost all subjects in English, that is Biology, Physics, Maths, History, Chemistry and of course English itself. Geography, German (well, duh), music and Latin (optional) were still taught in German and I also have French and Italian obviously taught in their respective languages.

And that's what I've been doing ever since. I'm at my third year at this "Gymnasium" and soon I'll get ready to write my "Maturaarbeit" and in one year and a half I'll be doing my "Matura", which is called Abitur in Germany if I'm not mistaken.

I'm also one of the best students in my class, especially in English. This semester I got a higher English grade than a native speaker in my class, although I must say that she's probably just too lazy to do much for a language she's already proficient in. Still, out of the non-native speakers, I'm the best.

I won't say that I never make any mistakes and that my English is absolutely flawless, but I can still say that I have a high C1 level, if not almost C2.

I'm aware that my English doesn't always sound as great as you would expect for my level, but I have no problems with English grammar, pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary. I usually know way more words than my peers and the ones I don't know actively I can at least guess from the context.

But I don't really want to brag, so maybe let's talk about something else, maybe something more about me?

Many call me Willy, even though it's not my full name and I was born in Brazil, São Paulo. When I was seven years old my Swiss grandmother, who had fallen ill a while before, died of brain cancer and my father, who had come to see her in Switzerland, eventually decided to stay there since my mother, who used to work in bank, was laid off a while before and he thought it might be worth a try to start a new life in Switzerland, a "first world country", especially since he realized that I had a neverending thirst for knowledge and that I deserved more than the poor education that Brazilian public schools offered.

So when I was seven years old I came here, to Zurich, without being able to speak a single word of German.
But I learned fast and within a year I was already able to speak German reasonably well. In fact, about four years later I already surpassed some native speakers at least in spelling.

But now the sad part of the story starts: I never really had any friends. I was too shy and wasn't really interested in making any friends. At recess, I often walked around the school on my own, while the other children were playing with their playmates. They didn't care for me, but I didn't really care for them, I was always alone. I think you're slowly realizing why I'm so similar to Twilight Sparkle, why she's my favorite character and why this series appeals so much to me.

I wasn't totally ignored, the people in my class often talked to me, but I never had any true friends. Indeed "I used to wonder what friendship could be", I didn't even really know what friendship was, what it could mean. I simply never had any true friends.

When I grew up, I became a little more sociable, or at least less shy. Nowadays, I'm still a little shy around strangers, but not nearly as much as before. I've also grown kind of pessimistic and arrogant, with the latter being something I really loathe about me.

Somehow I think that I'm better than my peers, that they're all just ignorant. I can also be extremely intolerant toward any views I don't agree with, which mostly includes anything remotely conservative and relating to religion, but I don't think I should go there, let's just say I'm something akin to an extremely liberal atheist with a teeny-tiny touch of nihilism.
I'm constantly repeating to myself: Love & Tolerate, Love & Tolerate, but it's much harder than you might think to actually change yourself and start tolerating the opinions of others no matter how much you disagree with them. All opinions are valuable and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I know I'm not superior to anyone else, I know that others are not just ignorant because they might not share my thirst for knowledge or have any opinion that I regard as absurd and illogical.

Still, I think that thanks to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic I've grown more tolerant and more friendly towards others. However, the sad truth is that things aren't always as easy in the real world as they are in Equestria. Friendship isn't really as magical as it's always presented to be in MLP:FiM, especially regarding my peers who are around 18 years old.

I had the "pleasure" of visiting a "real party" once as one of class comrades said, with drinking and all, and after that experience I'm not sure what to think of them or youth or people in general anymore. So much chaos, so much pain, it's almost as if Discord had come to the real world. I almost never go to parties so after seeing this "drinking party", for the lack of a better world, I was shattered to the core. I honestly thought: "They're so young and already drinking so much, what has this world come down to". But anyway, this practically annihilated any "magic" friendship could have for me. This comrade said that it's still fun, despite all the people vomiting and rambling about how miserable they're feeling and afterwards saying how they have never felt so bad, how this is the most horrible experience they've ever had and how they're never drinking again. And all this just to be around friends and forget the worries of everyday life? When having friends means "going to parties and drink until you vomit" then I'm better off not having any friends.

Still, all is not lost and I'm certain that eventually I will find the right person for me, a real world Twilight Sparkle, whether it's a relationship or a friendship, and I'm still waiting for this day.

In spite of all that, I am very grateful for being a part of this wonderful community, I can say that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has let me see friendship in another light and even though I haven't been able to find any suitable friends yet, I'll keep on looking and who knows eventually I might be able to find the perfect friend. But don't get your hopes up, I am and have always been a loner and being with people, be this online or in the real world, is exhausting to me. I'm am a strong introvert and spending too much time talking to people practically strips me of all of my energy.

But I'm still looking forward to having lots of fun with you, this community and of course this show and I am proud of being able to call myself a brony.

P.S: And don't take anything I said in here too seriously, I can be quite an attention whore sometimes and I can also wallow in self-pity much more than would be necessary, almost like Rarity Wink, but I'm still more similar to Twilight Sparkle, though. I'm also quite prone to self-deprecation. But don't think badly of me, I'm not doing this to annoy you. And no, I'm not a troll, even though many people in this other forum saw me that way.

Auch unter dem Namen Glim Glam bekannt. Einer der häufigsten Poster auf Equestria Daily.

Discord: GlimGlam#8712
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 12.02.2012 von Ecthudan.)
Crucio Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 31
Registriert seit: 06. Feb 2012

RE: Laberthread (English)
Now speak pony! Flutterrage
...well, or backwards. Facehoof
--> this would be such a fun! Derpy confused

Pilztoast Abwesend

Beiträge: 422
Registriert seit: 23. Okt 2011

RE: Laberthread (English)
Wow. O_o
that was quite a mouthful...

My Interest in the english Language started when some american friends of my sisters came to visit. At that time I couldn't speak as well as today. I couldn't even form actual sentences. I thought it would be pretty neat if I learn english. The next time they visited, a few years later, I had the ability to have long conversations with them.
I still do mistakes in Grammar and Pronounciation, but I will learn a lot to improve my english knowledge!

[Bild: gu8djoux.jpg]
Ecthudan Offline
Great and Powerful

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RE: Laberthread (English)
You really shouldn't take my post too seriously. I kinda did it for the lulz. I just felt like writing such a long post, I don't know why. lol

And sorry for the double post, is there any way of deleting posts? If there isn't it doesn't matter anyway. We're in the "spam" section after all...

(If you knew my alter ego Mergthor from the WoW-Forums you'd know that was one of the reasons why he was so infamous. He would always write longer posts wallowing in self-pity and being kind of philosophical and then turn to normal and then turn into some run-of-the-mill troll and then start wallowing in self-pity again. Most of the time, his arguments didn't really make sense and used some kind of insane troll logic. But don't you worry, I've grown out of it by now. Wink I didn't come here to troll you, far from it. I've come here to have fun!)

Auch unter dem Namen Glim Glam bekannt. Einer der häufigsten Poster auf Equestria Daily.

Discord: GlimGlam#8712
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 12.02.2012 von Ecthudan.)

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