Ich will auch, ich will auch!
Multi-Disciplined I: Clop to Straight, Gay, Herm, Futa, R63, and Anthro porn with the same canon character.
Multi-Disciplined II: Clop to Foalcon, Tentacle, Incest, Bukkake, and Interspieces porn with the same canon character.
Multi-Disciplined III: Clop to Oviposition, Unbirthing, Vore, Hyper, and Watersports with the same canon character.
Show Off: Clop while on a DDR Pad
Pillow Fight: Clop while holding your MLP-Dakimakura
Still Playing Tricks On Me: Clop while being mentally engaged with your Pony-Tulpa.
Not Just An Accessory: Clop while wearing a saddle on your back.
How About Roleplaying?: Clop while wearing a Horse mask.
Strategically Placed Hole: Clop using a specially modified plushie.
Braeburned: Clop to all comics of Braeburned at least 10 times.
Big Mac: Clop while fully taking a Chance XL.
Do You Like My Socks?: Clop while wearing colorful knee high socks.
Worship: Clop while kneeling before your Pony-Waifu-Shrine.
Waifu'd: Cum on a picture of your Pony-Waifu.
Brohoof: Clop at the presence of at least one other Brony in the same room.
It Makes No Matter Anymore: Clop while watching an episode of MLP:FiM
The Hipster: Clop while watching a pre-Gen-4 episode.
Finishing the Crusade: Clop after getting the Cutie Mark of your OC tattoed on your flank.
Selfcest: Clop while watching R34 solo-pictures of your OC.
Get Down With Your Bad Self!: Spend than 500 EUR for commissions on R34 pictures of your OC.
Cringe Contest: Finish your own Pony Cum Jar Project.
Icing on the Cake: Cum on MLP-Merch.
Ample Supply: Your MLP R34 Folder is larger than 10 GB.
Wundert mich übrigens wieso ich noch garnicht in diesem Fanclub bin.