01.04.2017 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Nazi-Loli-Content (Youjo Senki).
Thrown into a world at war
By unknown intervention,
Iron wings will take me far.
To live is my intention.
Follow me and watch in awe,
Obey and pay attention.
Los, ihr Maden! Feuer! Schnell!
The empire's demanding.
Smite them down and give them hell!
Your savior is commanding.
Battle mages rise and fly,
Their vibrant shields are humming.
Fiery spells enlight the sky,
Machine gun rounds are drumming.
Even if our foes aim high,
They'll never see us coming.
Soar, you cowards! Fight and fall!
You're gonna life forever.
Deus vult! We heed the call
To glory and endeavor.
Flying ghostlike, I am death,
The Rhine theater's devil.
'Till my distant dying breath
In burning clouds I'll revel.
Flames and pungent smoke shall wreathe,
This whole damn world I'll level.
Powder is our fairy dust,
My soldier's guns are flaring.
As the lines below combust,
With pleasure I am glaring.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.04.2017 von Whitey.)
09.04.2017 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
I see the evil rising
The rise of evil
Ein Bild mach ich noch aber dann reichts auch erstmal damit... bis Season 2. :v
Countless soldiers, false retreat,
The plans are set in motion.
Lure them in with marching feet,
Destroy them with devotion.
Fairies race like fireflies
Towards their destination.
Rocket ride to crimson skies
To end this confrontation.
Spearhead of the Blitzkrieg's might,
They're flying fast and steady.
Gaining speed and gaining height,
The door knockers are ready.
Breaking through the wall of sound,
The hydrogen is blazing.
This will be the final round,
The fatherland they're praising.
Notch and dive, surprise attack,
Like arrows they are moving.
Forward men! To hell and back!
Their spirit they are proving.
Kill the foe or end up dead,
No other options given.
Taking the Republic's head,
By iron grit they're driven.
Finally the day has come,
Our best and finest hour.
Shells are raining, bullets drum,
We'll crush them with our power.
Open fire, no retreat!
Behind the lines of battle
They can hear the cannon's beat
And men who die like cattle.
Storm their bunkers, take a hold,
Today this war is ending!
Shock and awe them, brave and bold,
No message they'll be sending.
Purgatory is our place,
We conquer hell's dominion.
Laughing God right in the face:
I'll never be your minion!
Targets hit, escape to sea,
The submarine's appearing.
Even as the pixies flee,
No bandits they are fearing.
Destiny has been unfurled,
As victors we're emerging.
Burn the lowlands, rule the world,
The enemies we're purging.
Bring the heavy Panzers out
And never stop advancing!
Like a deadly, spectral cloud
The air support is dancing.
Rushing through, the end is near,
We take the path to glory.
Sickle cut, attack the rear
And tell the major's story.
Visha, Weiss, Degurechaff,
Their names shall live forever!
Using this, our greatest bluff,
It's now, my friends, or never!
World war comes, but we stand tall,
No gods, no compromising.
Tanya's fighting, armies fall,
Her evil is arising.
29.04.2017 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
"Hail, Rome, victorious in thy mourning weeds!" - Titus Andronicus, William Shakespeare
Fiery eyes with awesome blazing
Spark the slaughter in the field.
Roman soldiers fight amazing
As she dashes with her shield.
Burning temper starts the killing,
To the goddess' will we march.
Blood and guts the men are spilling
Underneath the heavens' arch.
For the senate, for the people,
For the realm of mighty Rome!
Bow before Bellona's steeple,
Steadfast legions far from home!
Eagles glide above the battle,
Honorbound the standards fly.
Forces clash and weapons rattle,
Proud resounds her battle cry.
Raise your swords and hail the stunning
Power of the she-wolf lean.
As she roars her foes are running,
Graceful she is fraying keen.
Midnight hair is crowned by laurel,
Victory her chosen creed.
She exalts in deadly quarrel,
Combat heat's her only need.
Fury clad in armor golden
Is the essence of her shape.
To her vanguard we're beholden,
Following her waving cape.
Si vis pacem, para bellum,
Gods of war are on our side.
Stories scribed on ancient vellum
Tell of our relentless stride.
Peace through arms and domination,
Roman order shall prevail.
We will conquer every nation,
Unmatched legions cannot fail.
Tyrants come and worlds are falling,
Centuries are going by.
Still we hear Bellona's calling:
Death and glory! War is nigh!
Ich hab außerdem vor ne Compilation mit dem ganzen Kriegskram zu machen und hab angefangen ein Cover dafür zu basteln und alte Texte zu remaken. Bin mir aber noch nicht sicher was das wird.
Das hier ist so ein erster Entwurf:
30.04.2017 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Bin grad dabei für mein Projekt lauter alte Sachen von 2015 zu remaken, deswegen poste ich die nun nochmal.
Three armies gathered on the field,
Three emperors and none would yield.
A soldier from the civil war
Against the Kaiser and the Tzar.
In 1805 they met
In Austerlitz, the road was set
For glory, death and ill demise
And also for a nation's rise.
Napoleon, a self made man,
Who had a cunning battle plan,
Would march for days through snowy rain
So that his foes would fight in vain.
A coalition came to fray,
United on this fateful day,
To hammer down what he had built
And have this self-crowned tyrant killed.
But the alliance grew apart
And gave a change to Bonaparte
To win this war and seize the land
And realize what he had planned.
He lured his foes towards the town
To take the day and hold his crown
And as they followed him to blight,
He rallied for the final fight.
Inside the foggy mid-day mist,
Where cold the winds of winter hissed,
Began the fray in all it's might,
The heavens soon as dark as night.
The Tzar was hit, he left the scene
And so the french would reign supreme.
The russian men disbanded soon,
It ended all in afternoon.
The cannons roared, the snow ablaze,
The soldiers fell in sooty haze
And finally, with truce in sight,
On three O'clock the killing died.
The corsican, in Habsburg's heart,
Victorious he did depart
And would be legend evermore
As master of the art of war.
With lesser numbers it looked pale,
But better tactics did prevail.
Against the austrians they won,
The frenchmen stood, around them – none.
The russians fled upon defeat,
On frozen lakes they did retread.
The ice would break and stop their breath
And bring them to a frigid death.
The Grande Armée did hail their king
And after winter came the spring.
All Europe bowed to Bonaparte
For all his foes he could outsmart.
He ruled the realm with iron fist
And smashed all those who would resist.
But as the russians made a stand,
He marched into the eastern land,
To loose it all and turn around,
For only ruin they had found.
The tides of war did turn anew
And led them all to Waterloo.
Lost in the darkness eternal,
You're drawn to the depths far beneath.
Around you the world seems infernal,
O daughter of sorrow and grief.
Rise from the still glowing ashes
And see how you should see the world,
Then walk from your tar-bleeding gashes,
So blooming in springtime unfurled.
Stand in the light where you're thawing,
As goddess of glaciers and snow.
You walk on the frontlines you're drawing,
O daughter of winter and woe.
Come to the pantheon's mountain
And follow the rays of the sun.
From ice grows a flourishing fountain
And lastly your prime has begun.
Death brings a whole new beginning,
What follows is always new life.
The cycle keeps turning and spinning,
You're reaching the stars through your strive.
They travel Ireland's verdant fields,
Defenders of the crown.
With iron swords and wooden shields,
They ride from town to town.
They fight injustice everywhere,
Bring down the High King’s foes.
The magic weapons that they bear
Feed villains to the crows.
Protecting every vale and glen,
Their fame and legend grew.
They all are fearless, celtic men,
The island’s chosen few.
They fight for druids and their arts,
For pagan gods of old.
With honor and with noble hearts,
Their valiant deeds are bold.
Their leader's name is Finn MacCool,
The greatest of them all.
A gifted huntsman, born to rule,
He always heeds the call.
They’re mighty sons of gaelic land,
The masters of the blade.
They are the fenian hero-band,
The iron-clad brigade.
Außerdem hab ich mich inzwischen für ein Coverdesign entschieden, das allerdings nun komplett anders aussieht als vorher. Falls jemandem das was sagt: Das Vorbild waren die Albencover von Triarii.
13.05.2017 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Und nun mal wieder was komplett Anderes.
Little Squeaky, you're so cheeky
In your kaftan scarlet red.
You're so plucky, Ford got lucky
With your pistol to his head.
Hair of fire, your desire
Is a war you can't explain.
Helter Skelter, from a shelter
You would watch it with disdain.
Cute and freaky, you're so sneaky
With the gun you had concealed.
You're so spunky, but so clunky
Is the iron you've revealed.
Not a lady, but you're shady
And some blood you wanna spill.
Squeaking, moaning, no atoning,
For your master you would kill.
Swiftly tackled, chained and shackled
After Charlie forced your hand.
Mad and crazy, thoughts so hazy
Like a war-torn wonderland.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 13.05.2017 von Whitey.)
16.05.2017 |

Beiträge: 2.316
Registriert seit: 16. Nov 2014
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Glückwunsch dazu. Ziemlich awesome!
05.06.2017 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
(16.05.2017)LittleMissDevil schrieb: Glückwunsch dazu. Ziemlich awesome!
Ich hab mal den ersten Teil von meiner neuen Geschichte gepostet. "Die Hexe von Nymphenbau."
Das erste mal seit langem wieder Prosa.
Es ist außerdem da Prequel zu meinem Nymphenbau und damit wieder sehr Mature Content.
27.06.2017 |
Royal Guard

Beiträge: 2.567
Registriert seit: 28. Mär 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Wer ist dieser Yandere Charakter in deiner Sig und warum hat in jedem Forum in dem ich aktiv bin mindestens einer eine ihrer Fratzen gesigged?
29.06.2017 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
(27.06.2017)stiv64 schrieb: Wer ist dieser Yandere Charakter in deiner Sig und warum hat in jedem Forum in dem ich aktiv bin mindestens einer eine ihrer Fratzen gesigged?
Das ist Tanya Degurechaff aus Youjo Senki.
Aber das ist keine Yandere, die ist einfach nur so verrückt.
Liegt wahrscheinlich daran, dass die Serie noch relativ neu ist (und awesome war). :3
04.11.2017 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Ich poste mal wieder was. Na sowas.
Hier der neuerliche Fanart mit Bildern.
Made in Abyss:
Herr Ober, da ist eine Made in meinem Abgrund.
Werbung: https://almostwhitey.deviantart.com/
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 04.11.2017 von Whitey.)